Go Solar

“The only way to go”

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About Us

Represents a standard of service where every detail is meticulously addressed, ensuring that systems are not just repaired but reinstated to their optimal state.

Our Company

Dominant Industrial Firm

The profound impact and leadership that the company holds within the industrial sphere, standing as a testament to its authority and influence within the market.
Our company addresses itself and provides services to individuals, companies, public and private institutions, and other investors; in the field of Renewable Energy Sources. We care about the way your solar works and how it looks. Microtech is one of the best that takes tremendous pride in making sure every solar system project we install does justice to the home it’s on. We use professional techniques and practices to install solar for your home.

Our Vision

We aim to empower every Flowire, enabling them to contribute meaningfully, grow personally and professionally, and find fulfillment..

Our Mission

Our vision extends beyond mere professional development, emphasizing a nurturing culture.

We aspire to cultivate an ecosystem where each Flowire thrives, contributing their best while feeling fulfilled, respected, and integral to our collective success

Alyssa Taylor

Take the Next Step towards Clean, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy.


Take the Next Step towards Clean, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy.

Sarah Mike

Take the Next Step towards Clean, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy.

Robert Lin

Take the Next Step towards Clean, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy.

Meet Our Expert’s

We are dedicated to giving you the greatest advice and support possible. Our staff of expert tutors includes national as well as international educators.

Worried About High Electricity Bills?

Go Solar

Take the Next Step towards Clean, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy.

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of Articles

March 27, 2023

Leapton: Unveiling the Excellence of Japanese PV Technology to the World

The basic information where you can easily understand the solar panels types, its efficiency and some technical information. Learn about….

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March 27, 2023

Solar Tech Rates Inquiry: Darkest Moments in Solar Industry

The basic information where you can easily understand the solar panels types, its efficiency and some technical information. Learn about….

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March 27, 2023

Exploring the Benefits and Considerations of Installing Solar During the Construction Phase

The basic information where you can easily understand the solar panels types, its efficiency and some technical information. Learn about….

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